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Web Hosting SLA+ iv

  • Guaranteed average annual availability of at least 99.9%
  • Redundant power supply and network connectivity
  • Immediate reaction time in case of disruption
  • Valid for all Web Expert tariffs in the same account
  • Includes all services that we guarantee regularly
4,99€ pro Monat
Weitere Informationen
Can also be booked for existing web hostings.
Weitere Informationen
Can also be booked for existing web hostings.
Einrichtungsgebühr 0 € (inkl. 19% MwSt.)
Mindestvertragslaufzeit 12 Monate
Abrechnungsperiode 12 Monate
Versandkosten keine
  • Kreditkarte Icon Kreditkarte
  • EC Icon Lastschriftverfahren
  • �berweisung Icon Banküberweisung
  • PayPal Icon PayPal
Web Hosting Service Level A+ applies to the following Webhosting tariffs:
• Webhosting 1000
• Webhosting 1000 SE
• Webhosting 2000
• Webhosting 2000 SE
• Webhosting 4000
• Webhosting 4000 SE
• Webhosting 8000
• Webhosting 8000 SE
Your product is not listed? Please contact our support if the service level is available for your product.
Special services through Service Level A+
Network availability: at least 99,9%
Power supply: at least 99,9%
Hardware availability: at least 99,9%
Service availability: at least 99,9%
Preferential treatment in case of disruption: Yes, to customers without service level.
Regular service guarantees
Email support (24/7): Yes
Telefon support: Yes
Emergency hotline (24/7): Yes
Monitoring (24/7): Yes
Free replacement hardware: Yes
Einrichtungsgebühr 0 € (inkl. 19% MwSt.)
Preis pro Monat 4,99 € (inkl. 19% MwSt.)
Mindestvertragslaufzeit 12 Monate
Abrechnungsperiode 12 Monate
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