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Cloud vLAN Giga iv

You can establish a private LAN between the following products with a Cloud vLAN: Root-Server, VPS and Storage Server.

The tariff "Cloud vLAN Giga" comprise a vLAN with a maximum bandwidth of 1 GBits. Higher bandwith can be ordered chargeable. The management of the vLANs is handled comfortable by Server control panel.
12,98€ pro Monat
Weitere Informationen
Interconnect multiple root-servers, VPS or storage servers via vLAN.
Weitere Informationen
Interconnect multiple root-servers, VPS or storage servers via vLAN.


Einrichtungsgebühr 0 € (inkl. 19% MwSt.)
Mindestvertragslaufzeit 6 Monate
Abrechnungsperiode 1 Monat
Versandkosten keine
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Maximum bandwidth in vLAN: 1 GBit/s *
Number of server in vLAN: unlimited
Management via SCP: YES
Server location:
Traffic volume: unlimited
Bandwidth upgrade: currently not possible
Includes free vNICs: YES
NAT to WAN: no
Product compatibility
Root-Server: YES
Storage Server: YES
ARM-Server: YES
Dedicated server: no
Managed (p)Server: no
Webhosting: no
Einrichtungsgebühr 0 € (inkl. 19% MwSt.)
Preis pro Monat 12,98 € (inkl. 19% MwSt.)
Mindestvertragslaufzeit 6 Monate
Abrechnungsperiode 1 Monat
*) depending on the root server, VPS or storage server booked. Root servers from generation 8 achieve the maximum possible bandwidth. For other root server and storage server products, a maximum bandwidth of 500 MBit/s is possible. VPS achieve a maximum bandwidth of 200 MBit/s. Multiple Cloud vLANs that are connected to the same root server, storage server or VPS share the maximum available bandwidth between each other for each root server, storage server or VPS.
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