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managed Cloud 2000 G9 iv

The product Managed Cloud 2000 G9 is our medium-sized physical unit for your own cloud. It is equipped with the netcup SCP, so you can managed approx. 512 virtual systems on the server. You can expand your cloud with extra hardware, if the space is not sufficient. The management of the cloud is undertaken by netcup for you. You or your customers can configure the virtual systems freely. We offer you preconfigured images for simply installation of virtual servers.

An extensive SOAP-API for the administration of the virtual systems is available.
804,20€ pro Monat
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Your start into your own cloud with DELL R6515 and netcup SCP including comprehensive management and 24/7 monitoring.
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Weitere Informationen
Your start into your own cloud with DELL R6515 and netcup SCP including comprehensive management and 24/7 monitoring.
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Einrichtungsgebühr 199.99 € (inkl. 19% MwSt.)
Mindestvertragslaufzeit 12 Monate
Abrechnungsperiode 1 Monat
Versandkosten keine
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DNS administration for extra domains
DNS settings manageable: Yes, configure and edit
Configurable records: A, MX, CNAME, TXT
Google(TM) mail available: Yes
Extra domains: Our domain services >
Admin panel: netcup SCP
Create reseller: no
Create customer: Yes, unlimited
Create virtual server: Yes, unlimited
Recommended number of vServers: max. 512
Preconfigured images for vServers: Yes
Rescue system: Yes
Whitelabeled VCP: Yes (URL, logo, links, name, email templates),
Einrichtungsgebühr 199.99 € (inkl. 19% MwSt.)
Preis pro Monat 804,20 € (inkl. 19% MwSt.)
Mindestvertragslaufzeit 12 Monate
Abrechnungsperiode 1 Monat
Hardware: DELL R6515
Processor: AMD EPYC™ 7702 (64 Cores, 128 Threads)
RAM: 512 GB DDR4 2933 MHz
Hard disks: 5 x 3840 GB Enterprise SSD (RAID6)
RAID-Controller: PERC H740P, 8GB NV Cache
Remote management: iDRAC9 Enterprise
Power supply units: 2 x 1000 W
Replacement hardware in stock: Yes
Uplink: 2 x 10 Gbps
Traffic included: 500 TB / month
Extra traffic costs: 0,10 Euro (incl. VAT.) / TB
IPv4 addresses: 1 x
Extra IPv4 addresses: Yes, optional surcharge
IPv6 adresses: Yes, optional surcharge
Redundant power supply: Yes
Management by netcup Yes
24/7 monitoring by netcup Yes
Immediate commitment in case of failure Yes
Telephone support: Yes
24h email support: Yes
Access to wiki and customer forum: Yes
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