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Webhosting ISQ Deluxe

  • Our special offer for all ISQ customers!
  • Professional features like SSL-Certificate for free, SSH access,
    individual PHP settings, execute cron jobs possible
  • Web kit with many designs and text templates
12,95€ pro Monat
Weitere Informationen
Webhosting ISQ Deluxe - exclusive offer for our ISQ customers
Weitere Informationen
Webhosting ISQ Deluxe - exclusive offer for our ISQ customers
Einrichtungsgebühr 0 € (inkl. 19% MwSt.)
Mindestvertragslaufzeit 12 Monate
Abrechnungsperiode 12 Monate
Versandkosten keine
  • Kreditkarte Icon Kreditkarte
  • EC Icon Lastschriftverfahren
  • �berweisung Icon Banküberweisung
  • PayPal Icon PayPal
Performance web server and database server
Web space: 25 GB SATA
Free domain: 1 x ca, biz, com, info, net, org
Database: 1
Access via FTP, FTPES and SSH: Yes
Own IPv6-Address: Yes
Traffic: No charge
Cron jobs: 1
Git: Yes
SSL Certificate for free: unlimited
Optionally nginx-Proxy: Yes
Satisfaction guarantee Yes
Mail space: 10 GB
Email addresses: 100
Email forwarding: 100
Email autoresponders Yes
Email catch-all addresses Yes
Spam filter: Yes
Virus filter: Yes
POP3 / POP3S: Yes
Webmail: Yes
Web apps
Available apps: Details >
Number of app installations: 1
Parallel installation: Yes
Automatic updates Yes
Wordpress toolkit Yes
Domain information / nameserver
Additional domains: Our domain services >
DNSSEC on request: Yes, if supported for TLD.
DNS records: A, AAAA, MX, CNAME
Additional performances / script languages
Subdomains: 100
External domains: 1
Additional FTP user: Yes
Web data manager: Yes
Customize document root: Yes
DNS management: Yes
Wildcard subdomains: Yes
PHP: Yes
Python: Yes
NodeJS: Yes
Ruby on Rails: Yes
Voluntary Backup: Yes Info
Automatic FTP backup: Yes Info
Website development
PHP memory limit: 512 MB
PHP upload file size: 128 MB
PHP execution time: 180 s
PHP versions changing: 7.2/7.3/7.4/8.0
PHP via FPM or Fast-CGI: Yes
Opcode cache Yes
Access to log files: Yes
Custom error pages: Yes
Further information
Useful links: Go to netcup Wiki >
Our domain services >
Ordering process >
Frequently asked questions >
Einrichtungsgebühr 0 € (inkl. 19% MwSt.)
Preis pro Monat 12,95 € (inkl. 19% MwSt.)
Mindestvertragslaufzeit 12 Monate
Abrechnungsperiode 12 Monate
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